SMUT STAND REPORT: 17 Sept 2017 (Berlin)
WHEN: 3 hours (2:45-5:45pm), September 17, 2017. WHERE: Bergmannstr. (near Zossener Str), Berlin. OUTPUT: three full-length pieces, including a FFM threesome in the queue to get into a swinger’s club and a rope-bound submissive who rejoices in being used as a sex toy.

It doesn’t look like anything special on the map, but this spot definitely worked.
After a truly vile time the day before—when I chased around after the right kind of table and chair for THREE HOURS, and then got shuffled out of Hackescher Markt by the private market’s vendors, and carried all 20 kilos of my kit around on my shoulders all day—THIS day was a relief, right from the get-go. I used my Rocknroller 8-in-1 Roadie Cart, so no spinal column abuse, AND I knew that the general neighborhood I wanted to try out was all public sidewalks, so at least I would (almost certainly) be able to stay in one place.
But of course, the question still remained: would there be any takers? No matter how many times I walk along a street, scan the crowd, eyeball the wall space, I do not know, until I sit down and start pounding away, who if anyone will stop and ask, and BUY.
About 45 minutes into my stay, I still wasn’t sure. The foot traffic at this location, at this day and time, is pretty moderate. I think I was hoping to hit the romantic brunch crowd, but then I realized I didn’t know if that was a thing, and didn’t really even know when brunch happens for Berliners if they party so legendarily hard, like, maybe brunch doesn’t really kick in until 7pm. And there were so many older, confused women walking by and talking to each other about me either in German or in Turkish, I just wasn’t sure if the smut-friendly demographic was represented in the sparse trickle of passing humanity.
Oh, me of little faith.
Of course they were there. Bergmannstraße turned out to be enough of a destination neighborhood that people were walking slowly, and other people definitely passed by more than once, and still other people were sitting across the street and right next to me in restaurant terrasses (restaurants offer their outdoor diners fucking airline-style blankets, that’s how committed Germans are to Sitting Outside, Dammit). Point is, with all of this exposure to potential audiences, some smut-purchasing perverts have to show themselves.
I did notice that the general amount of kink present in the interviews tended to be higher in this particular sampling than in smut sessions set in equivalent-sized cities in the UK; don’t know if this is just the neighborhood (?) or if the stereotypes are true, about Germans in general and Berliners in specific, that there is a kink streak a mile wide. I have heard from native Germans that this may be true, but only recently have sexual topics really been brought out in mainstream environments and discussions.
Whatever it is, Sidewalk Smut is hopefully going to be well-positioned to capture some of this awakening energy and interest here in Berlin. And it is good to get affirmation that the Smut Stand experience really does translate to a new culture just fine.
Keep me out on the streets with this strange little smut-peddling, sex-therapy stand, by becoming a patron of mine on Patreon! In the right spot, Smut Stand makes some money, but your pledge-per-blog post still makes it that much more likely that I will have the energy available to push my sex-aware message out in other ways.